Jak radzić sobie z egzaminowym stresem?

... of exam anxiety comes from a fear of poor performance. If you can test yourself adequately prior to an exam and go in with the knowledge that you do know your stuff, you might find your anxiety ... diminishing.Sleep well, eat healthy. Symptoms ...

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Kraje anglosaskie najbardziej atrakcyjne na świecie

... Brand Index (CBI), presented in partnership with BBC World News. The sixth and most comprehensive study of country brands to date, which assesses 110 countries across 26 image attributes and six other ... measures of brand strength, highlighted ...

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British slang

... Popularne zwroty slangowe używane powszechnie w Wielkiej Brytanii.  bloke – man (facet, gość) John is a nice bloke to know. botch – something that has been badly or carelessly done (fuszerka ... , partactwo) He made a botched job of fixing the ...

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Matura z angielskiego: Poćwicz razem z nami! (2)

... wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. 2.1. The secretary typed more copies than were required.        The secretary needn’t __________ many copies. 2.2. You will not achieve your goals if you don’t work hard ... ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. 1.1. ...

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Muffiny – apetyczne, pękate babeczki

... ? Ingredients: 2/3 cup of baking cocoa 2 large eggs 2 cups of flour 1 cup of chocolate chips 1/2 cup of sugar 2 teaspoons of baking soda 1 1/3 cups of milk 1/3 cup of vegetable oil 1 teaspoon of vanilla 1/2 ... teaspoon of salt Preparation: - ...

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RAG week, czyli brytyjskie juwenalia

... you never thought were possible. (University of Edinburgh) Events can take place anywhere and at any time. It’s also a great way for societies and sports to get involved and do some good. Every single ... penny of profit goes to charity ...

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Nowe słowa w języku angielskim, cz. 3

... ): I've still got a bajillion things to do.Clickjacking–the malicious practice of manipulating a website user's activity by concealing hyperlinks beneath legitimate clickable content, thereby causing ... the user to perform actions of which they ...

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Antypatia dla diabła, czyli przypadki Adasia Darskiego w krainie Gombrowicza

... ”, a to wyrzucono go z hitowego programu TVP „The Voice of Poland”. Wystarczy zajrzeć, co wypisują Polska Niepodlegla, Polonia Christiana, Radio Maryja. Tam nikt nie słucha muzyki, nie rozumie umowności ...

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English Activator: treat czy cure?

... difficult to treat patients because of a shortage of medicine. – Trudno było leczyć pacjentów z powodu braku lekarstwa.Nowadays, malaria can be treated with drugs. – Obecnie malarię ... można leczyć lekami. CURE Czasownika ten oznacza ...

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Ukryte słowa

... Odgadnij, jakie słowa kryją się pod nazwami owoców w początkowym fragmencie powieści „Alicja w Krainie Czarów” Lewisa Carrolla. Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the ... bank, and of having nothing to do: once or ...

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How to be an Alien, czyli stereotypowy Brytyjczyk, cz. 2

... memories of your youth when, on the Continent, wanting to describe someone as exceptionally dull, you remarked: “He is the type who would discuss the weather with you.” In England this is an ever ... from the sides of the road, and should ...

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Globalny język angielski

... Dizraeli. English isn’t English; it’s an elastic patchwork A fantastically insane confederation a very strange tapestry of foreign vernaculars borrowed from Norse kings, and fettered slavemen So if ... language is linked to the land which it ...

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MANIA MANIcure, czyli trendy w stylizacji paznokci na sezon wiosna-lato 2016

... . To jak „ubieramy” paznokcie, by zostać uznaną za mani victim? Podpowiada Antonina Papiewska, stylistka paznokci gwiazd z salonów Pardon My French w Warszawie. ...

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Znani o języku angielskim, cz. 2

... . Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic’s Notebook, 1960Viewed freely, the English language is the accretion and growth of every dialect, race, and range of time, and is both the free and compacted composition of ... all. Walt WhitmanNever make fun of ...

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English Activator: at czy in?

... . at the beginning – na początku (of sth – czegoś) in the beginning = at first – początkowo Analogicznie: at the end – pod koniec/na końcu (of sth – czegoś) in the end= finally, eventually – w końcu ... , ostatecznie   Przykłady:There's a short ...

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Bob’s your uncle, czyli po sprawie

... , kiedy ówczesny premier Wielkiej Brytanii Robert Cecil mianował na prestiżowe stanowisko Głównego Sekretarza Irlandii (Chief Secretary of Ireland) niejakiego Arthura Balfoura, który do premiera zwracał ... , just put a piece of ham between two ...

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Marka Brytania na sprzedaż. Pomoże książę William i Kate Middleton

... trend.” Adams: “Coverage of the wedding will showcase central London and its buildings, such as Westminster Abbey – all of which are iconic symbols of brand UK. It’s going to reinforce already strong ... perceptions of heritage, culture, history ...

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Śmiechu warte: postanowienia noworoczne

... forced to.” (Bill Vaughn)“Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better man.” (Benjamin Franklin)“I'm a little bit older, a little bit wiser ... Cake Day' is on the 29th of every month. – ...

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Words in the news: Polish is bloody hard!

... Polish Polish is a West Slavic language and the official language of Poland. Its written standard is the Polish alphabet which corresponds basically to the Latin alphabet with a few additions. Polish ... -speakers use the language in a uniform ...

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After a storm comes a calm

... o gwałtownej reakcji:a storm of applause – burza oklaskówa storm of anger/criticism – wybuch złości/krytykia storm of laughter – ryk, salwa śmiechua storm of tears – potok łeza storm of violence ... – przedrzeć się przez cośto storm one’s way ...

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Canadian slang

... Popularne zwroty slangowe powszechnie używane w Kanadzie. Canuck – a Canadian; often used by Canadians as a self-descriptor; also the name of Vancouver's professional hockey team (Kanadyjczyk ... , seminars, etc. (mądrala, lizus) loonie – ...

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English Activator: ensure czy assure?

... w znaczeniu „zapewnić kogoś”, „zaręczyć”. Występuje w dwóch konstrukcjach – assure sb that i assure sb of sth:I assure you that it's true. – Zapewniam cię, że to prawda. They assured each other of their ... friendship. – Zapewnili się o swej ...

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Szalone instrukcje

... Dziś na zimową chandrę proponujemy zestaw zabawnych instrukcji i ostrzeżeń, jakie można znaleźć na opakowaniach produktów. Box of household nails CAUTION! – Do NOT swallow nails! May cause ... irritationBottle of bathtub cleaner For best ...

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English Activator: have czy take?

... a think (no/the) time a wash a word (with)   take: account of action advantage (of) a breath care (of) a chance a decision a dislike to sth/sb effect exception (to) the form of medicine/drugs ...

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