Canadian slang
EWA • dawno temu

Popularne zwroty slangowe powszechnie używane w Kanadzie.
Canuck – a Canadian; often used by Canadians as a self-descriptor; also the name of Vancouver's professional hockey team (Kanadyjczyk, Kanadyjka)
chesterfield – sofa or couch; less common with younger Canadians but still occasionally used (kanapa)
double-double – a coffee with two creams and two sugars, especially from Tim Hortons (kawa z podwójną śmietanką i podwójnym cukrem) /zob. regular/
eh/eɪ/ – a spoken interjection used when you want someone to reply to you or agree with something you have said
(That was a good game last night, eh?)
hoser – a stereotype and a mild insult; a foolish or uncultivated person (głupek, prostak)
keener – individual eager to demonstrate knowledge or participate enthusiastically in school, church, seminars, etc. (mądrala, lizus)
loonie – Canadian one dollar coin; derived from the use of the loon (nur – ptak wodny) on the reverse (kanadyjska moneta jednodolarowa) /zob. toonie/
mickey – a small bottle of alcohol, shaped to fit in a pocket (buteleczka wina, piersiówka)
pop – the common name for soft drinks or soda pop (napój gazowany)
regular – used to denote a coffee with one cream and one sugar
(I'll have two double doubles and a regular.)
runners – running shoes, sneakers, especially in Central Canada (tenisówki, trampki)
toonie – Canadian two-dollar coin; modelled after loonie
tuque/toque– pronounced ‘too-k’, it's a winter hat, usually knitted, occasionally with a pompom on the top (zimowa czapka)
two-four – a case of 24 bottles or cans of beer (skrzynka piwa)
washroom – the general term for what is normally named public toilet orlavatory in Britain. In the US (where it originated) mostly replaced by restroom in the 20th century. Generally used only as a technical or commercial term outside of Canada. The word bathroom is also used. The term toilet is generally considered somewhat indelicate in Canada and is avoided. (publiczna toaleta, WC)
Zobacz także: British slang


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