Nowe słowa w języku angielskim, cz. 2

Dziś kolejne słowa w języku angielskim, które weszły do systemu języka w ostatnich kilku latach.
Ich obecność jest najczęściej efektem wypełniania luk nazewniczych. Wiele nowych słów to neologizmy tworzone od wyrazów już istniejących, w wyniku kontaminacji lub przyłączenia odpowiednich formantów. O procesie tym pisaliśmy w osobnym artykule.
Mamy dla Was zadanie. Spróbujcie zaproponować polskie odpowiedniki nowych słów.

- Alcopop – a fruit drink fortified with alcohol, designed and marketed to appeal to young people.
- Baggravation – blend of the words bag and aggravation. A feeling of annoyance and frustration at the airport when your baggage has not arrived but the other passengers' bags have.
- Blamestorming – sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed, and who was responsible.
- Earworm – a tune that keeps repeating itself over and over again in our heads.

- Fashionista – person who dresses according to the latest fashion trends.
- Ginormous – combination of gigantic and enormous.
- Irritainment – entertainment and media spectacles that are annoying but you find yourself unable to stop watching them.
- Jumbrella – blend of jumbo and umbrella. Very large umbrella set above tables outdoors at a coffee shop, pub or restaurant.
- Newbie – a new member of any group, community or activity.
- Noughties – the years between 2000 and 2009 which contain a 'nought' (zero), in the same way as other decades are called the 'thirties', 'sixties', etc.

- Recessionista – popular new term for a person who succeeds in dressing stylishly on a tight budget.
- Road rage – aggressive habits often resulting in violence against other drivers.
- Spinnish – the language used by spin doctors, spokes-persons, campaign managers, etc. when trying to present information in a favourable light.
- Tombstoning – jumping or diving into water from a dangerously high place such as a hotel balcony, a cliff, bridge, wall, roof, etc.
Zobacz także: – The Word Lover’s Guide to New Words – nowe słowa w 3. wydaniu słownika ODE
Nowe słowa w języku angielskim, cz. 1
Portmanteau words – „słowa-cyborgi”

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