The Taste of English - Marmite

W dzisiejszym odcinku kulinarnych podróży – Marmite, czyli jeden z najdziwniejszych dodatków do tostów i nie tylko…
"There are two kinds of people – those who love Marmite and those who hate it." There is no saying that could be truer; if you try Marmite you will either fall in love with its rich, savorytaste and sugary texture, or wrinkle your nose at the powerful smell. The slogan has been used in most Marmite advertising campaigns, and many commercials feature world-famous characters such as Zippyor Paddington Bear (a bit like Miś Uszatek saying "żurek" is good for you).
Both versions of Marmite (the other one being Vegemite in Australia) are dark brown, sticky, and produced from yeastextract that is a by-product of beer-brewing (which makes this treatrich in vitamin B), in a process invented by a German scientist, Liebig. Interestingly, this process has remained secret for over a century now.

Marmite is best enjoyed spread thinly over butter or margarine on toast, but it is often used in "sarnies" (sandwiches) as well as an ingredient in many recipes. Extreme fans dissolvea few teaspoons in hot water and drink the way you would drink grandma's chicken soup! Marmite-flavored products include potato chips, bread sticks, and cheese spreads – there is a lot to choose from!
Here is my favorite sandwich recipe from Enjoy!
Ocean lovers
1. Take two slices of buttered bread
2. Spread Marmite on one side and soft cheese on the other
3. Add flakedtuna, unsalted sweetcorn and dicedpeppers

savory — tu: o wyrazistym smaku
texture — struktura
wrinkle your nose at — zmarszczyć nos (z obrzydzeniem)
Zippy -
Paddington Bear -
yeast — drożdże
by-product — produkt uboczny
treat — tu: smakołyk
dissolve — rozpuścić
flaked — w kawałkach
diced — pocięte w kostkę


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