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TOMEK ERNESTOWICZ • dawno temuPosłuchajcie piosenki i rozwiążcie zadanie.
Coldplay Fix You
1 When you try your best, but you don't succeed,
2 When you get what you want, but not what you need,
3 When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep,
4 (You are) Stuck in reverse.
5 When the tears come streaming down your face,
6 When you lose something you can't replace,
7 When you love someone, but it goes to waste,
8 Could it be worse?
9 Lights will guide you home
10 And ignite your bones
11 And I will try to fix you.
12 High up above, or down below;
13 When you’re too in love to let it go,
14 If you never try you'll never know,
15 What you are worth.
Dopasujcie wersy tekstu piosenki do podanych niżej określeń bliskoznacznych.
A Nothing ventured, nothing gained ( )
B When every effort is unsuccessful ( )
C When something’s irreplaceable ( )
D When you are crying ( )
E When you don’t really know what’s good for you ( )
F When you’re consumed with passion ( )
G When your love’s unrequited ( )
H When your nights are restless, despite your exhaustion ( ) Źródło:
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