Proverb of the week No. 11

... . Objaśnienie:                           When no one in authority is present, the subordinates can do as they please. Polskie odpowiedniki:          Gdy kota nie ma, myszy harcują.                                                Myszy harcują, bo ...

dawno temu

„Drugi pogrzeb” Edgara Allana Poe

... with a decentfuneral service. As part of events marking the anniversary, and 200 years since his birth, Baltimore, where Poe died and is buried, will host a double celebration. So many Poe fans are ... destroyed. An enemy wrote his obituary and ...

dawno temu

Jak odczytać wróżbę z kart klasycznych? Podstawowe znaczenie kolorów klasycznej talii kart

... , które wpływają na inne. Pamiętaj, że to wróżenia z klasycznej talii korzystasz wyłącznie z kart od siódemki do dziesiątki, kart dworskich oraz asów. Wróżba z kart klasycznych – znaczenie kierów ... zaufanego mężczyznę, zazwyczaj urzędnika albo ...

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Pożywne i irlandzkie

... roughly chopped 1 large leek roughly sliced 2 onions chopped oil for browning Worcester sauce chicken stock (2 or 3 stock cubes) dried herbs as desired salt and pepper water DirectionsIn a large pot ... water as desired.In another pot boil up ...

dawno temu

Proverb of the week No. 6

... : 'Amicu certus in re incerta cernitur'. This translates from the Latin as 'a sure friend is known when in difficulty' Polski odpowiednik: Prawdziwych przyjaciół poznaje się w biedzie. Źródło: The Phrase Finder ...

dawno temu

Słynne cytaty – Mark Twain

... do the day after tomorrow.The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up.The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause. Let us so ...

dawno temu

English Activator: differ czy vary?

... from Spanish in that it is not pronounced as it is written. – Angielski różni się od hiszpańskiego tym, że nie jest wymawiany tak, jak jest zapisywany.How does this car differ from the ... more expensive model? – Czym ten samochód różni się od ...

dawno temu

Phrasal verbs: Health

... hospital.I ____ __ a virus while I was in America.I think I'm ____ __ with a flu.The fish wasn't cooked properly. As soon as she ate it, she ____ it __.When he ____ __the flu, he'll go back ...

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Phrasal verbs: Telephone

... to talk to him. It's urgent. Tom: All right, Mr Smith. I'll make sure Paul gets this as soon as possible.John: Thank you, bye. Tom: Bye. 51491Zobacz także: Phrasal verbs: Travel ...

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Czasowniki specjalne: do

... ? nieprawdaż? (tzw. question tags):So now you know as much as I do.'You forgot all about it.' 'No, I didn't.'I want to go home.' 'So do I.'I didn't believe the story and neither did he.You know Tony ...

dawno temu

Ukryte słowa

... bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the plum,” orange Alice “without pictures or conversation?” So she was considering in her own peach (as well as she could, for the ...

dawno temu

Phrasal verbs: Money (2)

... I would have got by without your bailing me out. Unfortunately, I also had to cough up about $250 for insurance costs. Oh well, I guess shelling out the cash for those things is just as necessary as anything else.  Źródło: Zobacz ...

dawno temu

Jak skąpi są Szkoci?

... Zabawny angielski dowcip na poprawę humoru.  Five Englishmen boarded a train just behind five Scots, who, as a group had only purchased one ticket. Just before the conductor came through, all the ... Scots piled into the toilet stall at the back ...

dawno temu

Słynne cytaty – Martin Luther King

... silent about things that matter.Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.A riot is the language of the unheard.Means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek.   Słowniczek:conscientious – sumienny, skrupulatnyurgent ...

dawno temu

Psychokineza na maturze

... egzaminu – AS level, a rok później do A2 level. Uczniowie najczęściej zdają 3-4 przedmioty, oceniane w skali od A-E. Przedmioty do A-levels wybierane są na podstawie własnych zainteresowań i kierunku ... przyszłych studiów. Egzaminy są oceniane ...

dawno temu

Independence Day

... held in Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario during the last week of June each year as a mutual celebration of Independence Day and Canada Day (July 1). It culminates in a large fireworks display over ... the Detroit River. - Since 1916, ...

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Internetowe akronimy- co oznaczają?

... . Nasza lista nie wyczerpuje oczywiście inwencji internautów — wysyłajcie swoje znaleziska i tłumaczenia. AFAIK            As Far as I Know – Z tego co wiem AFK            Away From Keyboard – Z dala ... od klawiatury (czasem ustawiane        ...

dawno temu

History of the Band-Aid

... , prowizorki. Band-Aid is the trademarked name for bandages sold by the Johnson & Johnson Company. The Band-Aid was invented in 1920 by Earle Dickson, employed as a cotton buyer for the Johnson & Johnson, for ... to give Boy Scout troops free ...

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Jak radzić sobie z egzaminowym stresem?

... swimming. It is important that students eat and sleep well.Relax. Anxiety creates negative consequences such as forgetting, skipping questions or making silly mistakes. Try and maintain calm.Focus on ... to eliminate negative self-statements ...

dawno temu

Kraje anglosaskie najbardziej atrakcyjne na świecie

... that explores the complexity, dynamics and benefits of how nations manifest as brands. The strength of a country brand is determined in the same way as any other brand – it is measured on levels of ... features. They are all democratic, ...

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Haggis – szkocka potrawa narodowa

... sausage race! Above them all you take your place, Stomach, tripe, or intestines: Well are you worthy of a grace As long as my arm. The groaning trencher there you fill, Your buttocks like a distant hill ...

dawno temu

Słynne cytaty: Charles Dickens

... wisdom.There is nothing so strong or safe in an emergency of life as the simple truth.Vices are sometimes only virtues carried to excessHome is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than magician ever ... them up, there is nothing so ...

dawno temu

Matura z angielskiego – jak radzić sobie z wypowiedzią ustną?

... : ·   Postaraj się zyskać na czasie, powtarzając pytanie zadane przez egzaminatora: Do I like extreme sports? lub używając wyrażeń, które dadzą ci czas do namysłu: Well.../Let me think…/How shall I put it…/As ... far as I am concerned…/This is a ...

dawno temu

Marka Brytania na sprzedaż. Pomoże książę William i Kate Middleton

... trend.” Adams: “Coverage of the wedding will showcase central London and its buildings, such as Westminster Abbey – all of which are iconic symbols of brand UK. It’s going to reinforce already strong ... director Sean Summers: “The beautifully ...

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