Jeśli chodzi o prawo — czasem potrafi nas zaskakiwać. Szczególnie, jeśli jesteśmy w USA. Poznajcie dwadzieścia jeden najdziwniejszych przepisów prawnych obowiązujących dziś lub dawniej w określonych stanach Ameryki.
- In Michigan, a woman isn't allowed to cut her own hair without her husband's permission.
- In Texas it's illegal to put graffiti on someone else's cow.
- It's illegal in Alabama to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church.
- You're subject to fines and/or imprisonment for making uglyfaces at dogs in Oklahoma.
- It's against the law to burp or sneeze in a church in Omaha, Nebraska.
- By law, in Bourbon, Miss., one small onion must be served with each glass of water in a restaurant.
- In 1845 Boston had an ordinance banning bathing unless you had a doctor's prescription.
- On Sunday, it is illegal to sell cornflakes in Columbus, Ohio.
- Unless you have a doctor's note, it’s illegal to buy ice cream after 6 p.m. in Newark, New Jersey.
- In America in 1977, the punishment for smuggling marijuana was 15 years less than the punishment for smuggling coffee!
- In Idaho, it is illegal to give someone a box of candy that weighs more than 50 pounds!
- Until 1834, it was illegal for any soldier of the U.S. Army to carry the American flag into battle.
- Before 1933, the dime was legal as payment only in transactions of $10 or less.
- Until 1893, lynching was legal in the United States.
- It is illegal NOT to smile in Pocatello, Idaho!
- The U.S. Government will not allow portraits of living persons to appear on stamps.
- It is illegal to mispronounce 'Arkansas' while in the state of Arkansas!
- In Nebraska, it is illegal for bar owners to sell beer unless they are simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup.
- In Kentucky, it's illegal to fish in the Ohio River in Kentucky without an Indiana Fishing License.
- In Florida, it is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit.
- In Florida, penalty for horse theft is death by hanging.
- permission – pozwolenie
- fake moustache – sztuczne wąsy
- to be subject to fines and/or imprisonment – podlegać karze mandatu lub więzienia
- to make uglyfaces – robić „miny”
- to burp or sneeze – beknąć lub kichać
- ordinance banning bathing– zarządzenie zakazujące kąpieli
- doctor’s prescription – recepta/zalecenie doktora
- cornflakes– płatki kukurydziane
- punishment – kara
- smuggling – przemyt
- a box of candy – pudełko z cukierkami
- 50 pounds – 50 funtów (około 22,5 kg)
- to carry – nieść
- the dime – moneta o nominale 10 centów
- payment – rodzaj płatności
- lynching – linczowanie
- stamps – znaczki
- to mispronounce – nieprawidłowo wymawiać
- bar owners – właściciele barów
- simultaneously – jednocześnie
- to brew – warzyć
- a kettle of soup – kociołek zupy
- to fish – łowić ryby
- to attire – mieć na sobie
- swimsuit – kostium kąpielowy
- horse theft – kradzież konia
- death by hanging – śmierć przez powieszenie
Źródło: www.nicefacts.com

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