... Słońce świeci coraz mocniej, a z nastaniem lata będzie go jeszcze więcej. Przyjrzymy się bliżej słówku sun. Wszyscy lubimy, kiedy świeci słońce. Po angielsku mówimy: The sun is shining ... albo, kiedy mocno przygrzewa, The sun is beating down. ...
... : This dish is best made the day before serving. Ingredients1 kg neck of lamb (on the bone), preferably Welsh, cut into serving pieces2 litres lamb stock225 g potatoes, peeled and chopped225 g ... onions, peeled and chopped225 g leeks, trimmed ...
... Włosy: Piotr Wasiński /Van Dorsen Makeup: Wilson /Warsaw Creatives Produkcja: Małgorzata Pacuła, Anna Wojkiewicz/VOYK Asystent fotografa/backstage: Bogdan Jabłoński Postprodukcja: Beata Biernacka /Plupart ...
... tego autoironicznego narodu szydzi Mikes? THE MOST IMPORTANT RULES In England, everything is the other way round. When people say England, they sometimes mean Great Britain, sometimes the United Kingdom ... , sometimes the British Isles – ...
... people criticize the conventions of the age.Some modern politicians would like to see some Victorian values back in British society.People don't remember now the contrast between rich and poor people at ... that time.One of the most important ...
... zazwyczaj jedzą potrawy przyrządzane na barbecue (skrót: BBQ) lub potrawy w barwach narodowych, czyli czerwono-biało-niebieskie. Oto, co przeczytamy w portalu BBC: It's traditional on the Fourth of July ... przyrządzane na BBQ, ale można je ...
... i erudyty:A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.An election is a moral horror, as bad as a battle except for the ... blood; a mud bath for every soul concerned in it. Beauty is ...
... , w jakiś kontekstach może pojawiać się słowo end. PIERWSZY KONTEKST: gdy endokreśla ostatnią fazę sytuacji, zdarzenia bądź okresu. End to po prostu koniec.The end of the game was really exciting ... . Końcówka meczu była naprawdę emocjonująca. ...
... language is linked to the land which it springs from English is linked to the globe in entirety With fragments of every language you’ll think of Roots in every type of society… The professor said, “Pif ... ! What language is this? Degenerate ...
... . From the World Wide Web error message “404 Not Found,” meaning that the requested document could not be located.E-cruitment – online recruitment of employees, including online submission of resumes and ... cover letters.E-stalk – to stalk ...