Cawl – walijska potrawa narodowa
EWA • dawno temuCawl to tradycyjne danie walijskie spożywane w Dniu Świętego Dawida.

Cawl to tradycyjne danie walijskie spożywane w Dniu Świętego Dawida. Jest to rodzaj gulaszu z walijskiej jagnięciny i warzyw, w tym pora, który stanowi symbol narodowy Walii.
NB: This dish is best made the day before serving.
- 1 kg neck of lamb (on the bone), preferably Welsh, cut into serving pieces
- 2 litres lamb stock
- 225 g potatoes, peeled and chopped
- 225 g onions, peeled and chopped
- 225 g leeks, trimmed and sliced into 1cm slices
- 225 g carrots, peeled and chopped
- 225 g swede, peeled and chopped
Preparation method
- Place the lamb into a large pan and pour over the stock. Bring the liquid to the boil, then reduce the heat until it is simmering and continue to simmer for one hour.
- Add the chopped vegetables and continue to cook for a further hour. Remove from the heat, cover and set aside to cool overnight.
- When you are ready to serve the stew, return the mixture to the boil and continue to boil for 15 minutes, or until completely heated through.
- To serve, divide the cawl equally among four to six serving plates. Serve with crusty bread and Welsh cheese.
- NB = nota bene – zauważ, zwróć uwagę
- lamb stock – bulion jagnięcy
- leek – por
- trim – obkrawać
- swede – brukiew (GB) = rutabaga (US)
- simmer – gotować, dusić na wolnym ogniu
- heated through – zagrzany
- crusty – chrupiący
Zobacz także:
Dzień Świętego Dawida
Colcannon – irlandzkie danie nie tylko dla jaroszy

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