Tautropfen, Jale, Revitalizing Cream with The Power of Roses (Rewitalizuj膮cy krem r贸偶any)

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Podstawowe fakty
Pojemno艣膰50 ml

Tautropfen, Jale, Revitalizing Cream with The Power of Roses (Rewitalizuj膮cy krem r贸偶any): wypr贸buj r贸wnie偶

The Taste of English - Pumpkin Soup or Why We Love Leftovers!

... pumpkin seeds and a bowl of delicious pumpkin/PB soup. If you have still got a tad of peanut butter left, and have been wondering what to do with the pumpkin flesh, try roasting the seeds and making ... I bet your Jack-o'-lanterns are still ...

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Olejek r贸偶any

... si臋ga膰 po gotowe kompozycje zapachowe, by m贸c cieszy膰 si臋 ogromnym powodzeniem i odpr臋偶eniem zarazem. Bardzo ciekaw膮 propozycj臋 stanowi olejek r贸偶any. Przeczytaj poni偶szy artyku艂 i dowiedz si臋 o nim wi臋cej, a przekonasz si臋, 偶e na zawsze ...

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PB&J - czyli wspomnienia z dzieci艅stwa

... W kolejnych cz臋艣ciach cyklu 鈥The Taste of English鈥 przedstawimy wyj膮tkowe sk艂adniki, kt贸re stanowi膮 o wyj膮tkowo艣ci kuchni kraj贸w angloj臋zycznych. Dzisiaj - mas艂o orzechowe. When I was a kid I used ... to go to see my great-grandmother after ...

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The Taste of English - Marmite

... ." There is no saying that could be truer; if you try Marmite you will either fall in love with its rich, savory taste and sugary texture, or wrinkle your nose at the powerful smell. The slogan has been ... W dzisiejszym odcinku kulinarnych ...

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How to Plan a Holiday Trip?

... the source of dread and stress. The thought of being trapped in the car with restless children or the possibility of car trouble along the way is enough to make anyone consider staying home. Luckily, with a little planning, these situations can ...

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Proverb of the Week No. 12

... To ju偶 dwunasty odcinek serii 鈥濸roverb of the Week鈥, w kt贸rym prezentujemy znane przys艂owie i jego polski odpowiednik. Czy wiecie, jak powiedzie膰 po angielsku 鈥濲ak sobie po艣cielesz, tak si臋 wy艣pisz鈥? ... To ju偶 dwunasty odcinek serii 鈥濸roverb of ...

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Word of the day #1

... Przedstawiamy Wam Kasi臋 i nowy cykl "Word of the day", kt贸ry pozwoli Wam dowiedzie膰 si臋 wi臋cej o s艂owach u偶ywanych w codziennym j臋zyku ich r贸偶nych znaczeniach i z艂o偶eniach. Dzi艣 "book" czyli ksi膮偶ka :) Je艣li chcesz pobra膰 dzisiejsz膮 lekcj臋, ...

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Proverb of the week No. 4

... Tym razem proponujemy Wam przys艂owie o pi臋knie. Czy znacie jego odpowiedniki? Przys艂owie angielskie:Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Obja艣nienie: Different people have different ideas about ... jest w oku patrz膮cego. Nie to 艂adne, co 艂adne, ...

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Proverb of the week No. 5

... Dzisiaj kolejne przys艂owie, tym razem zwi膮zane z ksi膮偶kami. Przys艂owie angielskie: You can鈥檛 judge a book by its cover. Obja艣nienie: It is what you say when you mean that you cannot judge the ... quality or character of someone or something just ...

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The History of Sandwich

... think this was very appropriate behaviour for such men The snack was named after the Fourth Earl of Sandwich (an Earl was a wealthy aristocrat, who generally owned a lot of land and had political power ... . Tr贸jk膮tn膮 kanapk臋 z kilku warstw ...

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The History of Jeans

... was in full swing, and everyday items were in short supply. Levi Strauss, a 24-year-old German immigrant, left New York for San Francisco with a small supply of dry goods with the intention of opening ... and wagon covers, the prospector said, ...

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The History of the Potato Chips

... synonymous with the thin, salty snack. Lay's potato chips became the first successfully marketed national brand, and in 1961 Herman Lay, to increase his line of goods, merged his company with Frito, the ... , ale powsta艂y w przyp艂ywie z艂o艣ci. ...

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Woda r贸偶ana

... Woda r贸偶ana to jeden z najstarszych i najbardziej cenionych kosmetyk贸w na 艣wiecie. W Europie troch臋 zapomniana, ale jej cudowne w艂a艣ciwo艣ci nadal wykorzystywane s膮 w orientalnych rytua艂ach upi臋kszaj膮cych. ... Woda r贸偶ana to jeden z najstarszych ...

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The Taste of English - introduction

... animal, such as liver, brain, or kidneys. Offal became popular in Britain during the Second World War as it was an invaluablesource of cheap yet still nutritiousmeat. Today, with the revivalof traditional ... of salads, and regional varieties of ...

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