The History of Coca-Cola
TOMEK ERNESTOWICZ • dawno temuCzy wiecie, kto i kiedy wynalazł formułę Coca-Coli?
Coca-Cola, w krajach anglosaskich powszechnie znana jako Coke, powstała pod koniec XIX wieku i szybko stała się niezwykle popularnym napojem. Marka Coca-Cola jest rozpoznawalna na całym świecie.
Oto historia napoju będącego ikoną kultury masowej XX wieku.
The Coca-Cola history extends back to 1885, when John Pemberton invented the original recipe for a new coca wine. He named it Pemberton's French Wine Coca, which was believed to be inspired by Vin Mariani, a popular coca wine invented by Angelo Mariani. Pemberton developed Coca-Cola, a non-alcoholic version of his original coca wine, when Fulton County passed prohibition legislation. Carbonated water was added later by accident when Pemberton was mixing drinks for a friend and incidentallyincluded it. His friends loved the new taste, so he altered the original formula to incorporate it.
Three versions of Coca-Cola were on the market by 1888, sold by three separate companies. One company, Candler, purchased exclusive rights to the Coca-Cola formula to cut out the competition. This made the first big break in Coca Cola history. Candler incorporated The Coca-Cola Company in 1982, and began marketing the product. The drink achieved the status of national icon for the USA by its 50th anniversary. Bottles of Coca-Cola were sold starting in 1894, and cans in 1955.
In Pemberton's original formula, he added five ounces of coca leaf (cocaine) per gallon of syrup. Candler claimed that he altered the formula and only added a tenth of the amount. Coca-Cola once contained an estimate of nine milligrams of cocaine per glass. It wasn't until 1903 that it was removed from the drink altogether, replacing it with coca flavouring.
- extend back to – sięgać
- coca wine – napój alkoholowy na bazie liści koki
- incidentally – przypadkiem, przy okazji
- include – zawrzeć, włączyć (tu: w miksturze)
- alter – zmienić (= to change)
- incorporate – 1) zarejestrować, zalegalizować; 2) utworzyć spółkę
- cut out – wyłączyć, wyeliminować
- anniversary – rocznica
- an estimate – ilość szacunkowa
- altogether – całkowicie, zupełnie
- flavouring – aromat
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